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The year 2023

2023 is the third year in which we are acting as a Foundation.

This year we have spent 255.483,15 Euros on 17 projects.

Our expenses were 13.235,87 Euros, including maintenance costs of our real estate, website, bank, and administrative costs. 

The year 2022

2022 is the second year in which we are acting as a Foundation.

This year we have spent 258.000 Euros on 16 projects.

Besides, 220.000 Euros were donated to our sister Foundation ‘Ruth and Eduard Snatager Foundation’ for their activities in Israel.

Our expenses were 24.040 Euros, including follow-up visits to our projects in Israel and Rwanda.

The year 2021

2021 is the first year in which we are acting as a Foundation.

In this year we have spent 92,064 Euros.

87,750 Euros were spent on 8 projects and 4,314 Euros on expenses. 

Emanuel Snatager Foundation

(+31) 653947619

Louis Bouwmeesterlaan 15

3584 GE Utrecht

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